Why You Shouldn’t Grip Your Core – Part 1

This video is part 1, in a two part series, about why it’s not a good idea to “grip” your core.

We are also going to do a quick overview about breathing and your diaphragm and how your breathing effects the placement and movement of your organs. Did you know that 80% of your breathing energy comes from your diaphragm? Watch the video to see why that is an important factor in the reason that you should not grip your core.

As shown in this video, the way you approach cueing and teaching movement is a powerful tool in training our bodies. In February, (Feb 7th + 8th), I am leading a workshop in NYC, which will radically expand your potential for cueing and teaching movement.  As of this blog post, we have only 3 spots available for day 1:

Lift your heart, lift your spirit:

Franklin Method® Imagery and Exercise for a Healthy Heart, Flexible Spine and Relaxed Shoulders

  • Experience how heart movement can lift your mood and spirit.
  • Create a sense of space and openness in your upper body
  • Release tension in your upper spine; relax your neck and shoulders
  • Improve your circulation and breathing capacity
  • Improve the function of your heart through the movement the diaphragm and ribcage

As a bonus here is a heart mediation that I lead at the IDEA conference a few years ago:

Also, over two days, in New Orleans this March, I am going to be teaching 3 live workshops that take a deeper look at the Psoas (abdominals), Breathing, and the pelvic floor. As well as a 4th workshop, which takes an intensive look at what it takes to have a healthy spine.

Here is an overview of the workshops:

Day 1 / Saturday, March 21, 2015: 

Pelvic Power For Core Integration

  • Experience effortless alignment and balance for the whole body through experiential understanding of the pelvic bones, joints and muscles
  • Discover and apply the dynamic alignment of the sacrum
  • Learn ball and imagery exercises to train and balance the pelvic joints and muscles.


The Four Pillars of a Healthy Spine: Emotions, Strength, Balance, Flexibility

In this workshop we will address these factors in a practical manner, leading to positive changes both on an emotional and functional level. We will discover that an understanding of spinal evolution leads to a fresh approach to movement and exercise for the spine. Our new embodied understanding will allow for all daily movement and exercise to benefit spinal health.


Day 2 / Sunday, March 22, 2015:

Breathing for Life

Increase your energy and release stress through natural breathing

Here is what you will learn in this workshop:

  • How breathing works and what it means to breathe well.
  • How posture and breathing are related.
  • How to use breathing to improve your energy level & endurance.
  • Learn imagery and self-touch exercises to improve the efficiency of the bones, tendons, muscles and joints for walking and movement.


The Psoas: Beyond the Abdominals

  • Discover the role of the psoas muscles in movement, stability and balance
  • Release your lower back and deepen your breathing
  • Create more ease of movement in walking, running and sitting.
  • Feel grounded, stable and dynamically aligned.
  • Experience natural flexibility in your hip joints

You can also register for the upcoming LIVE workshops that I’m leading in New Orleans (March) here.

If you are not able to attend the workshops in New Orleans, you can still learn online with our Psoas online course (register here).

You can also learn about pelvic power with our intensive online workshops (register here). Although we’ve already started with weekly lessons, you can still catch up in time for a live webinar with Eric Franklin!




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  • Lotte Paarup

    Perfect videoclip Eric 🙂
    Big hug to Morten!


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