Creating a Healthier Sacroiliac Joint Using Movement, Touch & Imagery
Today I have for you an intensive 5 part video lesson: Creating a Healthier Sacroiliac Joint Through Movement, Touch & Imagery. From Wikapedia: The sacroiliac joint or SI joint (SIJ) is the [...]
7 Steps to Reduce Stress & Increase Mindfulness
Today I have for you an intensive 7 part lesson: Seven Steps to Reduce Stress & Increase Mindfulness Watch this video to become more grounded, relaxed and you will notice that it is now much [...]
Imagery & Movement for a Healthy Heart
Imagery is a powerful tool on it’s own, combined with movement it can impact your body in even more powerful ways. This even applies to your organs, such as your heart. Watch Eric [...]
Tension is the Enemy of Movement
We have probably all heard the “cue” or instruction to correct slouching by simply being suggested or told to take your shoulders back and lift your chest. However, this isn’t [...]
Why You Shouldn’t Grip Your Core – Part 1
This video is part 1, in a two part series, about why it’s not a good idea to “grip” your core. We are also going to do a quick overview about breathing and your diaphragm and how your breathing [...]
Is Flexibility an Emotion?
If you feel inflexible you normally stretch out your muscle. However, there is also another way. Did you know that your brain influences your flexibility depending on your state of mind? [...]