Video: Walking in Utah with Eric (11-28-17) Transformation FME

Welcome to this week’s transformation tools!

November: Franklin Method in Daily Life: Walking.

Last week we are going to talked about balance. This week we have a few  great selfie videos to close out the month. The first is a series of three short videos Eric filmed while on a hike in Arches National Park in Utah last month. To warn you, there is a lot of wind noise (especially the 2nd part and we apologize about that) but the info is great. He discusses the design of the foot, embodiments to help you walk up hill and more. We also have two short videos where he is walking around town in Utah showing you embodiments for the pelvic halves and sacrum in walking.

In your toolbox for this week we have:

  •  3 Selfie Video lessons: “Walking in Arches“, “Walking and Your Sacrum” and “Walking and your pelvic halves” 

We’ve also added a PDF download of our imagery and movement chart. You can use this throughout the Transformation series to track your own movement and imagery progress

As an educator, you also get an educator extra each week.

This weeks special insider “Educator only” tool is the selfie video “The iliopsoas”  Eric will give you some special advanced embodiments.

Educator Extra:

The Iliopsoas






You can use these tools as a reference or here are Actionable ways to use this weeks tools:

    • Community Discussion: This month’s theme was how to use Franklin Method in your everyday life: walking. The goal is to make what you do everyday better. This week we finished the month with several selfie videos from Eric.  Have you learned more about the design of your body and if so, how has it effected your movements?  What are your goals for improving what you do everyday? How will you take the walking training with you after this month? This is a good time to do a comparison from the beginning of the month when we first started this series and then after mindful practice of what you’ve learned have you notice any changes?  You can post your evaluation and discussion here : community forum.
    • The education extra this week was a selfie video from Eric Franklin showing you embodiments and education for your iliopsoas. What are some ways you can incorporate this into your teaching and daily life? Do you notice a difference in your own teaching and movement incorporating this exercise? Discuss this on our educator forum 


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