Imagery for a Healthy Backbend in Yoga

 The backbend is used in Dance, Yoga, Pilates and in many other movement modalities.  In this new free video lesson I will show you a healthier way to perform a backbend. The video will start out with a short overview of anatomy, focusing on your pelvis and sacrum.

With the news lately about how Yoga can affect your pelvis , I am excited to share with you these keys to performing a backbend in a safe way using imagery and anatomical knowledge.

Watch, and feel free to discuss in the comments!

More news:

  • We are also still have a FEW spots left for our Level 2 teacher training in Portland, Oregon and our Level 1 Teacher Training in London. You can find out more here.  The early bird discount for the London teacher training expires on Feb. 7th 2016  – so less than 2 weeks to save! Also, when you register for the teacher trainings we are now including custom free teacher training websites with tools such special access to online courses. These online resources will not only support the learning process, but will be a valuable asset to you after you graduate. You’ll have lifetime access to these online learning tools.  


  • One of our senior faculty members, Morten Dithmer, will be leading two public workshops in February also in London. You can find out more information and register here.

Now check out our newest Franklin Method® Ball! 

The Franklin Toning & Movement Bblue ballall’s proprioceptive elements make it an effective tool for both massage and exercise.

Its small size easily fits into the palm of the hand, and the pebbled, non-slip texture is similar to a basketball. Additionally, the ball is filled with water to provide extra weight for strength and toning during movement exercise.

Used as a massage ball, it allows you to comfortably roll out tight trigger points to relieve tension and soothe sore muscles.

Learn more here


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Showing 3 comments
  • Kat Pummill

    So wonderful to see this incorporated into yoga! I’ve been integrating my Franklin Method training into my yoga classes, especially in forward folds and backbends. Thank you for making a video directly related to pelvic movement!

  • Carol Lindsay

    I am grateful for your work, and your marketing always gifts me. Thank you.

  • Julia

    That was great. Thanks Eric and Chelsea! Thinking of the two cues I hear the most in yoga, pubic bones to the floor in cobra, and tail lengthening. Or, use the pelvic floor to hold the spine, sit bones together, as we back bend. Please comment!


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