How To Open The Hip Naturally – Franklin Method®

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  • Greta Watkins

    Genius! I love this stuff. And I totally believe it works! I try to use these concepts in teaching dance to my students and in my own dancing.

  • James

    Hi Eric loved” how to be more hip”. naturally, keep up the great work.

  • Lisa

    Great visual! Thank you!

  • Alissa

    Great video!

  • Marguerite

    After having done ‘psoas’ workshop with Eric, I find his functional anatomy approach extremely useful in my practice as a physio and Pilates instructor. Are there any plans for providing teacher training in the UK?

  • Aparna Shah

    Thanks for the anatomical reminder 🙂

  • Monica Hoekstra

    Very informative and easy to understand!

  • suzanne willets brooks

    Thank you Eric!! I love the word bendy er. I have been teaching this in my yoga classes and dance classes. What a difference it makes!!! I am looking forward to more of your awesome insights.

  • Beth

    Fascintaing! I will surely be trying this out both for myself and with my new students! Thank you very much.


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