How to be fit in 2018

A common New Years resolution is to be more fit. I thought you might be interested in what I do to stay fit. Here are three keys to being fit in the new year.

How to be fit in 2018 – 3 key tips

  1. A little movement first thing in the day will get your motor moving. Don’t put it off!
  2. Flexibility is mental – How am I more flexible than my age group?
  3. Have movement as a mindset!

Here are three other ways to focus on fitness in 2018: 

  1. Join the Transformation! Every week you will get tools directly from me that will help you change your body and your mind in easy and actionable ways. There is also a community forum and we are adding a member-to-member marketplace and you receive automatic sizable discounts on all of our online courses. You can learn more and join here:
  1. Take a Live Workshop or Training with me and my team. I will be leading a workshop in Southern California in February that will teach you how to move, train and experience your Fascia. You can find more information about that here. I also have several instructor trainings coming up, including Pelvic Power Instructor training (I’ve extended the early bird sale for London & NYC!). You can learn more about those and sign up here.
  1. Start an online course. We have some great online courses where you can take workshops with me, no matter where you live! We have 6-10 week courses that will help you learn to change your body by changing your mind. Although these do not have the exclusive information we give out during live educator trainings, they are a great way to learn and experience the Franklin Method® for your own body. You can see our online courses here.


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