FREE webinar replay

Embodied Fascia  

Flexibility, Balance & Strength

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to experience the interconnected web of fascia that surrounds and integrates every structure in the body, including the muscles, organs and bones.

We will also explore the role of fascia in force transmission, elastic recoil, sensation, hydration and much more, as well as gain an insight into how fascia can improve our biomechanical efficiency.

Eric Franklin will also help you experience and embody specific applications of fascial dynamic neuro-cognitive imagery (FDNI) to address thoracolumbar fascia – this is particularly useful for individuals with chronic, non-specific low back pain.

This webinar will be useful for movement and bodywork therapists, trainers from a variety of disciplines (e.g., yoga, Pilates, dance, etc.) and anyone interested in inter-disciplinary approaches to studying fascial tissue.

Find out more from Eric in these taster videos: 

Embodied Fascia for the Achilles Tendon 

Embodied Fascia for the Glutes

In this free webinar, you will:

  • Experience relief from neck and shoulder tension

  • Learn exercises to improve spinal mobility and help remedy back pain

  • Improve your posture and free your breath through fascial embodiment

  • Experience how fascial imagery can enhance your flexibility and balance

Register for free here:


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