MP3: Improving Posture and Mood (10-24-17) Transformation FME

This week we are going to continue with the discussion about the link between imagery, embodiment and the reduction of stress. Did you know your mood effects your body but your body also effects your mood. This week we are going to learn how to improve your posture, and how that will improve your mood. We also have an extra tool: a mp3 meditation: Resting on the Beach. Take a few minutes to have a beach vacation, no matter where you are.

In your toolbox for this week we have:

  • A  MP3 imagery meditation download “Resting on the beach”
  • A Video lesson: “Improve Your Posture, Improve your mood”

We’ve also added a PDF download of our imagery and movement chart. You can use this throughout the Transformation series to track your own movement and imagery progress.





Focusing on the brain to improve movement


Actionable ways to use this weeks tools:


    You can use these tools as a reference or here are Actionable ways to use this weeks tools:

      • Winners from last week’s contest will be announced  later today & emailing you directly! ! I WILL ALSO BE MAILING OUT A COUPON TO EVERYONE THAT POSTED ON THE FORUM THIS LAST WEEK. Everyone that posted more than once on the forum this last week gets a 20% off coupon (and that’s on top of your current 25% off discount) off of any online course! We will also announce one random lucky winner from the community  forum that posted MORE than once this week. That winner will receive a copy of one online course of their choosing!!!
      • Community Discussion: Have you been tracking your imagery and movement? If so, has this helped you take what you’ve been learning into your daily life? It’s only been 3 weeks, but have you noticed a change in your stress levels or positive results from using imagery more? This week’s meditation is resting on the beach. What does your beach look like? What results have you experienced from your mini-vacation this week OR what do you hope to experience? You can discuss here: community forum.
      • The education extra this week was focusing on your brain to improve movement. What are some ways you can incorporate this into your teaching and daily life? Try doing the exercise before your next class. Do you notice a difference in your own teaching and movement? Discuss this on our educator forum 

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