Video: Diaphragm Exercises (12-5-17) Transformation FME
Educator Extra:
Chest Fascia
Imagery & Movement Tracking Chart
Track your daily progress with this imagery & movement tracking chart
You can use these tools as a reference or here are Actionable ways to use this weeks tools:
- Community Discussion: This month’s theme is how to use Franklin Method in your everyday life: breathing. The goal is to make what you do everyday better. This week we started the month with a video of diaphragm exercises from Eric to help you with breathing and voice production. Let’s see if taking these exercises into your daily life can help improve your breathing. What are your goals for improving what you do everyday? Can you pair any of these exercises with what you’ve learned about walking, balance and imagery during this transformation journey? Make note of your breathing this week. At the end of the month when you do a comparison you can see if you find a difference. You can post your evaluation and discussion here : community forum.
- The education extra this week was a selfie video from Eric Franklin showing you chest fascia embodiments. What are some ways you can incorporate this into your teaching and daily life? Do you notice a difference in your own teaching and movement incorporating this exercises? Discuss this on our educator forum